SRJ have recently donated a timber climbing frame and slide to the Dunfermline Duloch toddler group! We know the lady who organises the group and were aware that the old frame they had was no longer safe, so that left all the toddlers with not a lot of toys to play with and develop their skills.
We purchased and delivered the frame to them just before christmas 2018 and we have been updated that they are having a great time with it and all the toddlers are loving it!
Chrisie who runs the group sent us the following kind message:
“I’ve been running the Duloch Toddler Group since August 2018 but prior to that I was an active member for almost 2 years and helped out when ever I could. The equipment that SRJ Windows have supplied has been of great benefit to the children. It provides a safe climbing frame & slide for them. This in turn gives the adults piece of mind knowing the children can play safely. The group normally relies on entrance fees to pay for hall hire etc and occasionally fundraising events are held. It would have been a huge outlay and taken a long time for the group to buy an item like SRJ donated.”
We wish all the best to Duloch Toddler Group and hope the children continue to enjoy their new climbing frame!
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